We are Denver Health Workers United.


Chasa Moore

Kathleen Harmon

Tyler McGrath

Natalie Durkovich

Linda Seymour

Alisha Secrest

Katherine Davis

Peter DellaVecchia

Ashley Carr-Garcia

Kelly Martell

Barrett Walker

Matthew Pesko

John Pendleton

Christine Garcia

Hannah Duster

Ebony Harvey

Christine Delbridge

Kim Galan

Andrea Lazzara

Lei Fisher

Marques Haley

Paul Paratore

Meryl Cadotte

Cyprus Charles

Sharon Assa

Jane Legrand

Thomas de Miniac

Diana Rodriguez

Clement Boateng

Ellen Feighny

Matthew Hardgrove

Jacob Oldefest

Justin Krul

Delecia Baltierra

Heather Guarnero

Elvie Skaro

Johanna Auberger

Olivia Rodbard

Emma Williams

Carey Couzelis

Emily Norco

Katie Bakes

Evelyn Hutt

Brittany Lee

Daniel Nozick

Karen Fedde

Derek Safley

Kyia Mountain

Catherine Miller

Anne Nash

Hanna Bayacal

Anita Chupp

Aaron Seewald

Brittany Boyajian

Adriana Baray

Jacqueline Dicharry

Hanna Gleason

rosa lara

Catherine Parker

Ariana Nesbit

Noah Schieber

Tirza Redman

Harvey Bowden

Adam Ruckenstein

Sinead Maguire


Jim Jurchenko

Jennifer Meriam

Ashley Sinton

Joel Nyeste

Monica Bonsu


Emerita Bayacal

Seth Humphreys

Janna Burger

Christopher Riker

Devin Fields-Groves

Amber Beasley

Charles Fredrick

Damion English

Roxana Safipour

Madison Parker

Katy Anderson

Laura Flores Flores

Taegin Sung

Leah Helmbrecht

Clare McGinley

William Besson

Jesse Harris

Laura Danso

Kindra Veatch

Laura Brown

cory doane

Daniel Amundson

Terra Kennedy-Meairs

john aastrup

Janae Hixson

Aaron Stookey

Aaron Stookey

Ibes Madan

Theresa Chambers

Ryan Matthews

chad whippo

Sara Beladi

Britni Hinojosa

Kelly Lewis

Rachael Sheaffer

Amy Conner

Mary Kaye Dolan-Hall

Erin Hunkele

Sara Jungels

Jean Thomas

Brian Tillman

Brian Tillman

Lucy Van Kleunen

We are proud members of the Denver Health Workers United. Not all of our members have chosen to put their names on their list. We encourage all to join the union, regardless of whether you wish to share your name publicly at this time.

Letter of support from Colorado Elected Officials

Denver and Colorado Members of Congress, the Colorado General Assembly and The City and County of Denver support our right to form a union.

Denver Councilman Chris Hinds, addressing Denver Council on Monday May 11, 2020

“This is 2020, not 2003, and I hope we that we can leave the worker intimidation and union-busting back in 2003. I believe all workers have the right to fight for what they need, particularly given what we’ve heard recently. It is important that employees feel they have a voice and protection.”